



Project Type



Metal Industry



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About the Project

The KARTEL DOOEL project involved creating a robust and professional website to highlight their expertise in the metal industry. Established in 1990, KARTEL DOOEL is a premier company in Gostivar, North Macedonia, specializing in steel profile construction and installation. Our goal was to develop a platform that reflects their 25-year legacy of excellence, showcasing their commitment to modernization and skilled workforce. The website features detailed information about their services, projects, and industry innovations, emphasizing KARTEL DOOEL’s dedication to delivering superior solutions in the metal industry.

The Problem

The main challenge was to design a website that effectively communicates KARTEL DOOEL’s extensive experience and specialization in steel profile construction and installation. The site needed to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and capable of showcasing their wide range of services and projects. It was essential to highlight their ongoing investments in modernization and workforce development. Ensuring the website could handle detailed project information and provide an engaging user experience for potential clients and partners was critical to the project’s success.

Project Highlights

Product Design

Product Design




The new KARTEL DOOEL website has been met with positive feedback for its professional design and comprehensive content. The site successfully showcases their extensive experience and specialization in the metal industry, enhancing their reputation as a leading company in Gostivar, North Macedonia. Users appreciate the detailed service descriptions and project showcases, as well as the emphasis on their commitment to modernization and workforce expertise. The website effectively supports KARTEL DOOEL’s mission, increasing client engagement and highlighting their dedication to delivering superior solutions in steel profile construction and installation.

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